Follow these 4 steps and stand a chance to WIN 30 lucky fortune coins sponsored by Tiandi Emerald Jewellery 翡翠天地.
1. Hit the Like button on @ZenithJohorBahru’s Facebook & Follow button on @ZenithJohorBahru’s Instagram Page.
2. Like Tiandi Emerald Jewellery 翡翠天地 Facebook Page.
3. Share this Facebook Post.
4. Wish someone the best of luck on their endeavors in the comments section and tag the person by 27 March 2022.
Winners will be announced on 31 March 2022.The prizes and results of this contest is final andmust be collected at Zenith Johor Bahru, Jalan Trus. Other terms & conditions apply.
1. 点赞并关注 @ZenithJohorBahru 的 Facebook 与 Instagram专页。
2. 点赞 @Tiandi Emerald Jewellery 翡翠天地 Facebook 专页。
3. 分享此面子书活动贴文至您的朋友圈, 并 #zenithjohorbahru
4. 贴文中标注@一位好友与祝福语并邀约一起参与此活动。幸运儿将在 31 March 2022 正式公布。
活动奖品也将在主办单位 Zenith Johor Bahru, Jalan Trus 领取。谢谢。